The book is the English version of Imam Ghazzali's Ihya Ulum-ud-Dir.. It deals with worship and divine service. Imam Abu-Hamid al-Ghazzali is unquestionably the greatest theologian of Islam and one of its noblest and most original thinkers. He was bom in 1058 A.D. at Tu s, wherehe died in 1111. He reproduced in his religious experience all the spiritual phases developed by Islam.
A deep influence
The mysticism of this work vitalized the law its orthodoxy leavened the doctrine of Islam. In it and such other works of his as Falihal-al-Ulutn, Tahafut of Falasifah, Iqtisad fi-al-Itiqad, orthodox speculation reached its culminating point.
Chapter 1 Book of Knowledge Part 3
Chapter 1 Book of Knowledge Part 4
Chapter 2 Foundation of Belief
Chapter 3 Mysteries of Cleanliness
Chapter 4 Signifcance of Prayer
Chapter 8 Recitation of the Quran