History bears witness to the fact, although lamentable, that comprehensive biographies throwing light on the character and achievements of many a mastermind, who has played a leading role in his Lime or was even harbinger of a new era, were not written for a long time to come. The followers of such esteemed personalities owe a moral responsibility to them in this regard, though the obligation was very often not discharged even by those who have regarded those celebrated persons as their spiritual and religious leaders or unduly extolled and glorified their greatness. Sometimes such a life story comes to be written in good time, but often the debt remains unpaid for several centuries.

Life of Caliph Ali

Chapter 1 Life of Ali in Makkah
Chapter 2 Ali at Medina
Chapter 3 Life of Ali under Caliph Abu Bakr
Chapter 4 Life of Ali Under Caliph Umar
Chapter 5 Ali under Regin of Caliph Uthman
Chapter 6 Caliphate of Ali
Chapter 7 Ali Faces Kharijites and the Syrians
Chapter 8 Ali and Muawiyah
Chapter 9 Distinctive Characteristics of Ali
Chapter 10 Hasan and Husain
Chapter 11 Virtuous Descendents of Ali
Chapter 12 Shia Doctrine of Imamate